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Apostle James A. Pratt Jr. was born in Fredericksburg, Virginia. His parents are the late Elder James Pratt and Sister Beatrice Pendleton Pratt. Apostle Pratt was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost at the age of 18. He then married his one and only wife, Sister Hannah Brown Pratt on January 20, 1962. This union was blessed with four children, 2 sons and 2 daughters. (Many were adopted into the family and call them Mom and Dad). Apostle Pratt has come up through the ranks to his current position:  Brother, Deacon, Minister, Elder, Pastor, Bishop, and District Bishop over North and South Carolina. He graduated from the Virginia Bible Institute in Richmond, VA, and received credit from Logo's Bible Institute in Jacksonville, FL.

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Apostle Willie R. Mincey, Jr was born on September 9, 1953 in Lake Hamilton, Florida to Willie R. Mincey, Sr. and Alease J. Mincey. Growing up in this town, he received the water Baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost at the tender age of 7. He was called to the ministry at the age of 9. Apostle went through grade school and graduated from Haines City High School in 1971. He also attended Polk Community College and Travis Vocational School in Citrus Production.  While traveling occasional to North Carolina, he met the love of his life in a small town called Beulaville. He is married to his elect lady, Romell Williams on August 1, 1981. They have 3 beautiful daughters, Roshondra, Ronika, and Rodedreia.


In 1982, he was installed as the Pastor of The Church of God and True Holiness in Winter Haven, Fl. He led the congregation into a building project of the New edifice in 1991. The True Holiness Tabernacle seats 350 people and a fellowship hall. It sits on 5.7 acres of land which the Lord bless us to purchase for $190,000.00. In 1999, Apostle Mincey's dream of attending an Apostolic Bible College became a reality. He graduated from the W.L. Bible College in June of 2001 with a Bachelor's Degree in Religious Studies with a focus in Pastoral Ministries. He is a part of several Ministerial Associations, the PEACE organization, a member of the NAACP branch in Winter Haven, Fla, and alumni of the W.L. Bonner College.


He has traveled internationally throughout the United States, Canada, and other countries such as Italy, Jerusalem, the Philippians, and a few of the Caribbean Islands.  Apostle Mincey is well known in his Winter Haven area as the "Community Preacher".  He is an inspiration to all who know him!


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Bishop Price D. Womack was born in the state of Pennsylvania where he obtained all of his education. He joined the United States Air Force in 1986 and served in Goldsboro, NC at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. He received the Holy Ghost and was water baptized in Jesus Name in December of 1986. It was then Brother Womack started his dedicated walk in the Lord under the leadership of his Father in the Gospel Bishop Donnell Worrell, Sr. Continuing to obey the call of the Lord, appointed a Jr. Deacon he was licensed as a minister in July of 1998 after his initial message entitled, "And His Name Is Jesus". While serving as a minister he continued his education in Theology and was later ordained an Elder.

Elder Womack has ministered to thousands of souls up and down the eastern seaboard and many people were delivered and filled with the Holy Ghost through the preached Word of God. From 1994-1998, He served as assistant pastor at Emmanuel Apostolic Church and was later installed as pastor at Emmanuel Apostolic Church #3 in 1998.

In 2007, Elder Dion Womack was installed as Pastor at what was formerly known as True Holiness Assembly. The name was changed to Spirit of Excellence Ministries of The Church of God And True Holiness under the leadership of the late Chief Apostle A.E. Dixon, Sr.

During the 81st National Holy Convocation in 2008, was placed as District Elder in North Carolina and on January 13, 2010, District Elder Dion Womack was elected in Baltimore, Maryland at the Leadership Conference as Bishop-elect by Apostle Brant and was second by Apostle Pratt and Apostle Faison.

On June 25, 2010 Bishop-elect Price Dion Womack was consecrated to the office of Bishop in Fredericksburg, Virginia and was placed over the North and South Carolina Diocese at the 83rd National Holy Convocation and appointed as the National Recording Secretary for 8 years and sits on the Board of the Credentials Committee.

Bishop Womack is currently serving on the Executive Board and the North and South Carolina Diocesan Bishop

In 2017 Bishop Womack was appointed the Second Vice Presider for the Church Of God and True Holiness International by Apostle Raymond Faison Jr. is still serving the appointed office.

Bishop Womack is married to the former Donna Lynn Worrell with over 30 years of marriage and to this union 2 beautiful daughters were added, Dionna and Erica Womack.

Bishop Womack has been faithful and a blessing to the Church of God and True Holiness family.
Bishop Womack is senior pastor at Spirit of Excellence Ministries of The Church of God and True Holiness and has a heart for people to be "KINGDOM MINDED".

The Spirit of Excellence Ministry is growing stronger each and every day as "WE MOVE IN THE OF EXCELLENCE!!!

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Bishop Wilbert Stephan Simmons is the Pastor of Restoration True Holiness Temple located in Oxon Hill, Maryland. Bishop Simmons has a heart for all people and believes that salvation, health, and deliverance is available to everyone through the Lord Jesus Christ. He is quickly becoming a leading voice for a new generation of ministers. 


Under the guidance of his parents, Bishop Wilbert and Mother Barbara Simmons, at an early age he was introduced to the way of Holiness. In April 1973, he was baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and received the Holy Ghost. Having the opportunity to travel extensively with his father across the country, Bishop Simmons grew significantly in the word of the Lord. 


For more than twenty years, he played the lead guitar for many choirs, groups and solo artists. When Bishop Simmons started Restoration, Pastor Stephan, then affectionately known as Minister Teady, was appointed the Minister of Music and choir director. He quickly began working in his new ministry and started the Restoration choir, which began almost twenty years ago. 


After working at the Prince George's County Correctional Center for more than twenty-five years, Bishop Simmons looks forward to soon being able to work for the ministry full-time. He has an earned Master's degree in Theology, and is currently pursuing his Doctorate of Ministry in Christian Education. Bishop Simmons is the husband of Elect Lady Angela and together they are the proud parents of three lovely children Brianna Caszmir, Wilbert Stephan III, and Skyler McKinley. 


In 2000, he became the Pastor of Restoration and in October 2004, he received double honor to serve as the Fifth District Elder over the Maryland Churches of God and True Holiness. District Elder Simmons is grateful to the Lord for affording him the opportunity to lead and teach the people of the Lord. It is a great responsibility to serve as the under-Shepherd for a group of people from all walks of life, but with the Lord's help Bishop Simmons believes nothing shall be impossible.

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Bishop Anthony D. Dixon, Sr., affectionately known as Bishop "T", was born and raised in holiness by his natural and spiritual father, Apostle Albert E. Dixon Sr. and Mother Sarah Dixon. Although knowing the truth of God, he sometimes did the opposite of God's plan for him.


After running for years, Bishop Dixon finally came to the reality of the calling that was placed over his life and submitted to God's will. It was a three year transformation, of which Bishop Dixon spent many days fasting, praying, studying and submitting to the Word of God. When God was finished with the transformation he was a new "Tony". He was appointed the International Youth President in 2002 and ordained an Elder of the Churches of God and True Holiness Organization in 2004. In April, 2008, Bishop Dixon was elevated to the office of Assistant Pastor for True Holiness Temple. In June, 2009, he became a Suffragan Bishop and July 2, 2010 he was consecrated to the office of Bishop.


Bishop T is highly instrumental in his father's vision and ministry at True Holiness Temple. He has been about his father's business for about 8 years. Bishop T is also a profound teacher and preacher of the Word of God. Bishop T is the husband of one wife (Lady Yvette Dixon) and the father of five beautiful children. He teaches the saints: "We are the HEAD, not the tail; We are the Lender, not the borrower; We are Above only, and never beneath." He encourages everyone to STAND on the Word of God and believes that a Holy Life is the Best Life!!!

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Bishop Oscar Tyson, Jr. serves as the pastor of Narroway True Holiness Church. Bishop's start as a pastor was a dubious one in that his upbringing was from a line of pastors so he witnessed first hand its ups and downs.  Bishop has had some wonderful mentors (most notably his mother) who encouraged him to pursue God's will for his life. After failed attempts to ignore his calling, he embarked on this fulfilling  journey of leading God's people years ago. Over the last thirty plus years, he has been blessed to have a constant companion, confidant, supporter, best friend, and the love of his life, his wife Maureen. They met while going to college. Their relationship started slowly with them getting to know one another and it blossomed into a lifetime of commitment and devotion to one another.


Bishop and Maureen came from different backgrounds, but their love for each other grew so much it nullified all the negatives and accentuated the positives of their relationship. They've been avid supporters in each of their individual and combined efforts.  They've been truly blessed with three wonderful children: Ray, Brianna and Brandon and their grandson Dominic. Experiencing the love within his family is one of the most satisfying aspects of his life. It has always been a humbling reminder of his God given purpose, and when he looks at the serious-minded, well-respected, accomplished people that God has chosen for him to lead. Leading great people into a higher level of spiritual maturity and God consciousness is a motivating reward that Bishop experiences weekly. The manifestation of great things in this ministry has been promised, and with his continued pursuit of truth, he knows that the promises will soon be realized.



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Bishop Joseph L. Lewis, D.D., was born on April 2, 1945, in Winter Haven, Florida to Charles and Erkie Lewis.  He was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and received the gift of the Holy Ghost at a very early age.


After graduating from Jewett High School in Winter Haven, he pursued a degree in Mortuary Science from Miami Dade College in Miami Florida and later a degree in Paralegal Studies at Polk State College in Winter Haven, Florida.

Bishop Lewis then joined the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War and was honorably discharged. Bishop Lewis was nurtured in the apostolic way by his grandmother, International Mother of the Church of God and True Holiness (COGATH) organization, Georgia Mae Williams, under the leadership of the third Presiding Bishop, Bishop Frank Jackson.


After receiving his Masters in Biblical Studies in 1993 and his D.D. in 1997 from Apostolic Bible Institute in Norfolk, VA, Bishop Lewis was ordained as an Elder in 1996 with COGATH.  He later became Bishop-Elect in 2008 and consecrated as a Bishop in 2010 at the Annual Holy Convocation. Bishop Lewis has been pastoring and evangelizing in the cities of White Springs, Lake City, Tampa and also St. Petersburg, Florida.


Bishop Lewis currently serves as the Credentialing Committee Chairman on the Executive Board of the Church of God and True Holiness, Inc.



The Church of God and True Holiness organization was established by the late Bishop John Wesley Garlington, Sr. in December 1927.


Locations throughout the United States and Canada. 


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